Honor has launched the Magicbook X16 Plus and X14 Plus laptops, both powered by the 13th gen Intel Core i5-220H processors. These new models offer memory options of 16 GB
Honor has launched the Magicbook X16 Plus and X14 Plus laptops, both powered by the 13th gen Intel Core i5-220H processors. These new models offer memory options of 16 GB
GPD is set to launch its highly anticipated Pocket 4, a compact 8.8-inch laptop, via Indiegogo on November 27 at 02:00 UTC. This miniature device boasts modern AMD Ryzen processors,
Snapdragon laptops are rapidly gaining popularity due to their innovative technology and impressive features. Powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors, these laptops offer significant advantages, including longer battery life, lower energy