Secret Level is an exciting new adult-animated anthology series set to captivate both gamers and animation enthusiasts alike. With its unique premise of intertwining original stories inspired by popular video games, the series promises to deliver a fresh and engaging viewing experience.
Produced by Amazon Studios in collaboration with various game publishers, Secret Level is poised to become a must-watch for fans of the gaming world.
Here’s everything you need to know about its release date, episodes, plot, and trailer.
Secret Level will premiere exclusively on Prime Video on December 10, 2024.
The series will consist of 15 episodes, with each episode telling an original story inspired by a specific video game. The games featured include:
Secret Level is described as “a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds from beloved gaming classics and highly anticipated new titles.” The series is a collaboration between Amazon Studios and various game publishers and developers.
A teaser trailer for Secret Level was released at Gamescom Opening Night Live. The trailer features a mysterious narrator inviting viewers to “come in” and “have a game to play.”
The series is created by Tim Miller, known for directing Deadpool and producing Love, Death & Robots. Miller is executive producing alongside Dave Wilson, who is also the supervising director.