Samsung has officially launched the One UI 7 beta, bringing Android 15 to its Galaxy S24 series. This update comes months after Android 15 debuted on Pixel devices and other brands like OnePlus. Delays pushed the release for Samsung devices, but it’s here with a host of significant changes.
One UI 7 introduces a complete design overhaul, including updates to the home screen, widgets, and system app icons. The notification tray and Quick Settings are now split, though this feature remains optional.
A notable addition is the “Now Bar,” a lock screen notification system similar to Apple’s Dynamic Island, offering updates on activities like timers, workouts, and music.
The update also includes new AI-powered writing tools for text summarization, spell-checking, and call transcripts in the Phone app. The Camera app sees a redesign, offering improved button layouts and a more intuitive Pro Mode, which now allows control over zoom speed.
Starting today, the beta is available on the Galaxy S24, S24+, and S24 Ultra in regions like the US, UK, Korea, Germany, Poland, and India. Samsung plans a full release in Q1 2025, coinciding with the Galaxy S25 launch, and promises additional AI capabilities with the final update.
Users can sign up for the beta through the Samsung Members app.