Early tests of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset reveal significant improvements in Android phone battery life, exceeding expectations based on battery size increases alone.
Testing on the Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro showed that battery life jumped from 11 to 14.5 hours—a 30% increase despite only a 5.4% larger battery.
The OnePlus 13 demonstrated even more impressive results with a 42% increase in battery life, running for 17.5 hours compared to its predecessor’s 12.2 hours.
These improvements align with Qualcomm’s claimed power savings of 27% for the new chipset.
While benchmark tests don’t always reflect real-world usage, the improvement scale suggests significant battery life gains for future Snapdragon 8 Elite devices.
The OnePlus 13 and Asus ROG Phone 9 will be the first US phones with this chipset, followed by Samsung’s Galaxy S25 series next year.