Kiwi Browser, a popular web browser for Android, is shutting down. The app has been removed from the Google Play Store and will no longer be maintained after January 2025.
The browser was known for its support for Chrome extensions, a feature that many users loved. However, it is now officially archived.
The developer, Arnaud42, said users who still need Kiwi can download it from GitHub, but they should be careful about other sources.
Good News for Extension Lovers
Despite the shutdown, there is good news for fans of Kiwi’s extension support. The developer revealed that Kiwi’s extension capabilities have been added to Microsoft Edge Canary for Android. However, users will need to enable developer options in Edge and manually install extensions by ID.
While the process is not as simple as it was in Kiwi, users can still enjoy the same extensions in Edge. This means that Kiwi’s most loved feature will continue to be available on Android, but now through Edge instead of Kiwi.
Other Browsers with Extension Support
Edge is not the only Android browser that supports extensions. Firefox and Samsung Internet also offer this feature. But for now, Edge is the browser that will carry on Kiwi’s legacy of extension support.