YouTube Expands Fast on TV, Adds New Features

Sazid KabirTech1 month ago10 Views

YouTube is still growing fast on televisions, especially in the living room. Recent stats show huge numbers.

Watch time for sports content on TV has increased by 30% year over year. Every month, viewers watch more than 400 million hours of podcasts on their TVs.

The living room has been YouTube’s fastest-growing platform. Philipp Schindler, Alphabet’s chief business officer, mentioned that watch time is growing on YouTube, especially in Shorts and on TVs.

YouTube has been working on improving the TV experience. It launched a feature to sync your phone with your TV, allowing you to interact with videos on both screens.

This year, it redesigned the TV interface, making it easier to find comments, links, and channel pages. It also redesigned channel pages to make videos load faster on TV and added collaborative playlists for multiple people to control what plays.

YouTube also introduced a new feature called “Watch With.” This feature lets creators add live commentary and analysis to sports content.

For years, viewers have been setting up their own commentary using a second device. Now, “Watch With” makes this easier.

It starts with sports content, but YouTube plans to expand it to other areas, like live events and keynotes.

YouTube’s push to improve the living room experience shows its dedication to growth and innovation in TV viewing.


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