Apple has recently added the 15-inch MacBook Pro, released in May 2019, to its vintage products list. This Intel-based model was succeeded by the 16-inch MacBook Pro later that same
Apple has recently added the 15-inch MacBook Pro, released in May 2019, to its vintage products list. This Intel-based model was succeeded by the 16-inch MacBook Pro later that same
Apple is reportedly planning a major redesign for the MacBook Pro in 2026, which could be the most significant update in the device’s history. This overhaul is expected to bring
The MacBook Pro with the M4 chipset is now available for $1,399, a $200 discount that matches its lowest price ever. This deal, available at Amazon and B&H Photo, makes
As we approach the latter half of 2024, Apple continues to push the boundaries of technology with its upcoming releases and strategic developments. From AI integration to new hardware designs,