Telegram’s Mini-Apps Get a Major Upgrade

Sazid KabirTech2 months ago26 Views

Telegram has rolled out a significant 2.0 update for its in-app mini-apps, introducing features like full-screen functionality, subscription options, gift sending, and the ability to add shortcuts directly to your phone’s home screen.

This update aims to make mini-apps more versatile and user-friendly, much like native mobile apps.

The full-screen mode supports both portrait and landscape orientations, with enhanced gestures and interfaces suitable for various genres, including games like Doom.

Developers can now access device hardware details, such as processor and RAM, to optimize performance and even enable gyro controls for immersive gameplay.

Mini-apps now offer downloadable files, device location features for weather or maps, and subscription-based monetization using Telegram Stars.

Users can share media and referral codes directly to chats, while developers can customize loading screens. Premium users also gain the option to set emoji statuses within mini-apps.

These updates highlight Telegram’s push towards becoming a super app, similar to WeChat, by integrating a broader range of services into its platform.


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