Steam to Limit Season Passes, Ensures Transparency for DLC Content

Sazid KabirGaming & eSportsTech2 months ago8 Views

Steam is introducing new guidelines for season passes to improve transparency and protect buyers from vague promises.

The platform will now require developers to clearly outline what content is included in a season pass, with detailed descriptions of each DLC item.

If content is delayed, developers can reschedule the release within three months, and if DLC is canceled, buyers will receive a refund for the item value.

Steam is also tightening its rules on what qualifies as a season pass. Since a season pass is essentially a pre-purchase for future DLC, Steam will only allow them in certain cases with established partners who have a proven track record.

Developers must be ready to clearly communicate both the content and launch schedule of each DLC before offering a season pass. The new guidelines aim to prevent confusion, ensuring customers know exactly what they are buying.

While these changes are meant to improve the customer experience, they could present challenges for indie developers who may not have the resources to commit to such detailed DLC plans.

Smaller developers might find it difficult to meet these new requirements, potentially limiting their ability to offer season passes.


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