Samsung’s Galaxy S24 Ultra, launched nearly a year ago, has been named MKBHD’s Phone of the Year 2024. Despite the iPhone 16 Pro Max’s new features, it didn’t win top honors.
MKBHD ranked the Galaxy S24 Ultra for its performance, battery life, display, and cameras, highlighting the new anti-reflective coating.
The iPhone 16, however, won Best Small Phone, with praise for its performance but criticized for its 60Hz display.
The iPhone 16 Pro Max earned Best Camera for its photo and video quality, but it was the Galaxy S24 Ultra that took the top spot.
Here’s the full list of MKBHD’s smartphone awards for 2024:
With the upcoming launch of the Galaxy S25 Ultra, Samsung’s competition with Apple’s iPhone lineup is set to intensify, giving the iPhone 16 Pro Max even tougher competition in the future.