Naruto Shippuden is one of the most famous anime series, running from 2007 to 2017. It continues the story of Naruto Uzumaki, who is determined to become the Hokage, the leader of his village.
With almost 500 episodes, many of them are fillers that do not move the main story forward. In fact, 40% of the episodes in Naruto Shippuden are fillers, which can be skipped if you want to enjoy the core story.
Filler episodes are extra stories added to the anime that are not part of the original manga. These episodes are often fun but can disrupt the main plot.
Some filler episodes are enjoyable, while others don’t add much to the overall story. If you’re planning to binge-watch Naruto Shippuden, here’s a guide to help you skip the fillers.
Naruto Shippuden has a total of 199 filler episodes. Some of these fillers are fun and explore side characters, but if you want to follow the main story, you can skip most of them. We’ve listed the filler episodes with suggestions on whether to watch or skip them. The episodes marked “Watch” are considered entertaining by many fans, while “Skip” episodes are not essential to the plot.
Without the filler episodes, Naruto Shippuden is significantly shorter. Watching only the main storyline allows you to skip over 199 filler episodes and focus on the core adventures of Naruto and his friends.
Naruto Shippuden is a beloved anime series, but its fillers can slow down your watch. This guide will help you skip the less important episodes and enjoy the series at a faster pace.
Whether you decide to watch all the fillers or skip some, Naruto Shippuden offers an exciting journey with plenty of unforgettable moments.