Meta has launched the Quest 3S, a new virtual reality (VR) headset priced at $299, offering an entry-level option for people interested in VR technology.
The Quest 3S is a stripped-down version of the more expensive Quest 3, but maintains similar performance capabilities. It features the same Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 processor and 8GB of RAM as the pricier model, ensuring compatibility with existing games and software.
Key specifications include:
While the graphics are slightly less crisp compared to the Quest 3, the device still delivers high-quality visual experiences. The headset offers an intuitive setup process and comfortable design, making it accessible for first-time VR users.
The significant price difference—nearly half the cost of the Quest 3—makes the 3S an attractive option for those wanting to explore virtual and augmented reality without a substantial financial investment.
Meta aims to make VR more mainstream with this affordable device, potentially expanding the market for virtual reality technology.