Indian Regulator Rejects Apple’s Request to Delay Antitrust Report

Sazid KabirTechWorld News2 months ago23 Views

Apple iPhone 17 Air

India’s antitrust body has rejected a request from Apple to halt an investigation report that found the company in violation of competition laws. This move allows the investigation to proceed.

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) initially ordered the recall of investigation reports in August, after Apple claimed the regulator had disclosed confidential commercial information to competitors, including Tinder-owner Match Group.

Apple had requested the reports be redacted, but the CCI asked the parties involved to return and destroy copies of the initial reports, later issuing new versions.

In November, Apple alleged that Together We Fight Society (TWFS), the nonprofit behind the complaint, had failed to comply with the order to destroy the old reports.

Apple requested that the CCI take action against TWFS and withhold the revised report. However, the CCI deemed Apple’s request “untenable” and proceeded with the investigation.

The CCI investigation found that Apple used its dominant position in the iOS app store market to the disadvantage of developers, users, and payment processors.

While Apple denies wrongdoing, claiming its market share in India is small compared to Android, the company has been asked to submit its audited financial statements for 2021-2024.

These statements will be reviewed to determine if any monetary penalties should be imposed. The investigation report is still under review by CCI officials for a final decision.


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