The anime adaptation of Dandadan has become a massive hit overseas, leading its production studio, MBS, to declare it their new flagship property. While the anime, based on Yukinobu Tatsu’s manga, did not perform as strongly in Japan, it achieved tremendous success on streaming platforms worldwide.
MBS president Yoichi Mushiaki confirmed this shift during a press conference, explaining that the show’s international popularity far exceeded expectations. “While broadcast ratings in Japan weren’t high, the overseas response has been remarkable,” Mushiaki stated. Dandadan performed exceptionally well on platforms like Netflix, where it ranked second globally among non-English TV shows.
Streaming Over Broadcast: A New Trend for Anime
Dandadan highlights a growing trend in the anime industry: streaming platforms now play a larger role in determining a show’s success. Streaming allows anime to reach global audiences, and Dandadan has become a prime example of this. Mushiaki noted, “It’s a common story with anime, but the broadcast ratings aren’t that high. However, Dandadan took the number one spot in various anime evaluations overseas.”
This international acclaim has prompted MBS to treat Dandadan as a key title for the company, solidifying its status as a flagship anime.
What’s Next for Dandadan?
Fans of Dandadan can look forward to its return in July 2025, as part of the Summer anime season. Season 2 will continue the adventures of its quirky and beloved characters, with most of the original staff returning. Fuga Yamashiro will direct the new season alongside Abel Gongora, while Hiroshi Seko will oversee the scripts, and Kensuke Ushio will compose the music.
The voice cast from Season 1 is also set to reprise their roles, ensuring continuity for fans who have been eagerly waiting for the next chapter. In the meantime, viewers can catch up on Season 1 through streaming services like Netflix and Crunchyroll or dive into the manga, available via Viz Media’s Shonen Jump and Shueisha’s MangaPlus.
Dandadan’s Future Looks Bright
As Dandadan prepares for its second season, its success story underscores the power of global streaming audiences. With MBS recognizing it as their flagship anime, Dandadan is poised to cement its place as a major force in the anime world.