Bleach is one of the most iconic Shonen series, loved for its intense battles, unique characters, and gripping story. Created by Tite Kubo, the series follows Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenager who becomes a Soul Reaper to protect the world from evil spirits called Hollows. With 17 arcs across the manga and anime, here’s a complete guide to Bleach’s story arcs in order.
The Bleach series contains 17 arcs—spanning 686 manga chapters and over 380 anime episodes. The anime has also included multiple filler arcs that are not part of the original manga storyline.
Arc Title | Anime Episodes | Manga Chapters |
Agent of the Shinigami Arc | 1-20 | 1-70 |
Soul Society: Sneak Entry Arc | 21-41 | 71-117 |
Soul Society: Rescue Arc | 42-63 | 118-183 |
The Bount Arc | 64-91 | Anime-only Filler |
The Bount: Assault on Soul Society | 92-109 | Anime-only Filler |
Arrancar: The Arrival Arc | 110-131 | 183-229 |
Arrancar: Hueco Mundo Sneak Entry | 132-151 | 229-251 |
Arrancar: Fierce Fight Arc | 152-167 | 252-286 |
New Captain Shusuke Amagai Arc | 168-189 | Anime-only Filler |
Arrancar Vs. Shinigami Arc | 190-205 | 286-315 |
The Past Arc | 206-212 | -108 to -97 |
Arrancar: Decisive Battle of Karakura | 213-229 | 316-340 |
Zanpakuto Unknown Tales Arc | 230-265 | Anime-only Filler |
Arrancar: Downfall Arc | 266-316 | 340-423 |
Gotei 13 Invasion Arc | 317-342 | Anime-only Filler |
Lost Substitute Shinigami Arc | 343-366 | 424-479 |
Thousand-Year Blood War Arc | 367-392 (ongoing) | 480-686 |
The Bleach anime made its grand return in 2022 with the Thousand-Year Blood War (TYBW) arc. Studio Pierrot is animating the final saga, with the second half of the arc currently airing. The series focuses on Ichigo’s battle against Yhwach, the leader of the Quincy army, and the fate of the Soul Society.
The TYBW arc is split into multiple parts. The first part covered chapters 480-542, and the second part is ongoing. The final installment, Thousand-Year Blood War: Part 4, is expected in 2025.
The Bleach franchise also includes several movies. While most of these are filler, they offer additional adventures in the Bleach universe:
Bleach’s compelling story and iconic characters have earned it a permanent place in the hearts of anime fans. Whether you’re catching up on the manga or binging the anime, Bleach promises a thrilling journey through the world of Soul Reapers. Let us know which arc is your favorite in the comments below!