In the Heart of the Sea, a 2015 adventure film starring Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland, is experiencing a resurgence on Netflix, where it has landed at No. 2 on the streaming platform’s daily top 10 movie chart.
The film, directed by Ron Howard, tells the real-life story of the whaleship Essex, which inspired Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick.
Despite a disappointing box-office performance ($94 million on a $100 million budget), the movie is now finding a new audience, aided by its star-studded cast and compelling narrative.
The movie’s success on Netflix echoes its original theatrical run, where it debuted at #2 behind The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2.
While the film struggled with critics in 2015, it has gained traction among viewers, with its high-seas adventure and survival tale proving appealing for a streaming audience.
With Hemsworth and Holland now major stars in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, In the Heart of the Sea is getting a second chance, attracting viewers eager to revisit the film after a decade.
The movie’s strong performances, combined with Ron Howard’s direction, are making it a standout Netflix choice, despite its mixed reviews.