In GTA 5 Online, while there are plenty of ways to earn money, solo players often seek quicker methods to boost their earnings.
Rockstar Games offers several options tailored for solo grinders, though they may not be as lucrative as larger operations. Here are five of the best methods for earning fast cash in GTA 5 Online.
1. Dispatch Work
For players who enjoy cop-related missions, Dispatch Work offers solid rewards. These missions pay $25,000 and can be repeated multiple times, though there’s a five-minute cooldown between each mission. There are six available Dispatch Work missions:
- Officer Monitored
- Possession for Sale
- Civil Disturbance
- Malicious Mischief
- Health Code Violations
- Obstruction of Justice
These missions are available through LSPD Officer Vincent Effenburger, and you must drive a private police car to participate. Additionally, you can’t be part of any organization to access these missions.
2. PayPhone Hits
Though older, PayPhone Hits remain one of the best ways to earn money in the game. These missions start with a base payout of $15,000, but completing the tasks as instructed by Franklin Clinton can earn you an additional $30,000. Here are the available PayPhone Hits missions:
- The CEO
- The Cofounder
- The Judge
- The Popstar
- The Tech Entrepreneur
- The Trolls
- The Dealers
- The Hitmen
Solo players can complete the first six, but the last two require associates in your organization.
3. Pizza This… Pizza Delivery Missions
For a break from criminal activity, Pizza This… delivery missions are a fun and easy way to make money. There are three Pizza This… outlets on the map, and each offers five pizzas to deliver.
If you complete the deliveries before they get cold, you can earn around $22,000. After completing one outlet’s deliveries, you can immediately move to another.
4. Madrazo Hits
Madrazo Hits are one-time missions that provide a quick payout of $20,000 for assassinating a target. To complete the mission, you must locate the target, kill them, and photograph the body.
If you use Martin Madrazo’s weapon of choice, you’ll earn an additional $10,000. After the assassination, be sure to escape the cops to successfully finish the mission.
5. LS Tags
For players who enjoy exploring the map, LS Tags offers a fun and profitable errand. Each day, you need to find five posters to tag with a spray can.
Tagging each poster earns you $15,000, and completing all five will net you $75,000. Additionally, there’s a $25,000 bonus for tagging all five posters, making this a lucrative solo activity.
These five methods offer great opportunities for solo players to earn quick cash in GTA 5 Online.
Whether you’re completing missions, delivering pizzas, or tagging posters, these errands can help you build up your bank balance while enjoying the game.