Fans of the beloved boxing anime Hajime no Ippo have a reason to celebrate. Netflix has added two sequel series, Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger and Hajime no Ippo: Rising, to its streaming platform. This move makes it easier for viewers to dive deeper into the journey of Makunouchi Ippo and his boxing career.
Hajime no Ippo is a sports anime based on George Morikawa’s long-running manga. The story follows Makunouchi Ippo, a shy high school student who discovers his love for boxing after being saved from bullies by a professional boxer. The anime is known for its realistic depiction of boxing, engaging characters, and inspiring storylines.
The original series, Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting, aired from 2000 to 2002 with 76 episodes. It has become a classic, often hailed as one of the best sports anime of all time.
Netflix has added two sequel series:
Netflix has grouped these sequels as additional seasons of the original show, making it seamless for viewers to watch the entire saga.
Hajime no Ippo stands out for its realistic portrayal of boxing techniques. From basic punches to advanced moves like the Dempsey Roll, the series offers an authentic look at the sport. Creator George Morikawa owns a boxing gym in Japan, which adds to the show’s authenticity. The gym, JB Sports, even has a statue of Takamura, one of the anime’s key characters.
The anime’s strength also lies in its characters. Ippo’s growth from an underdog to a champion is inspiring. The supporting cast, including Takamura and Ippo’s rivals, are well-developed and memorable.
If you’re new to Hajime no Ippo, begin with the original series. Once you’ve finished, dive into New Challenger and Rising on Netflix to continue the story. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer, this is the perfect time to experience one of the best sports anime ever made.