Jinwoo Sung, the hero of Solo Leveling, has made a grand entrance into the heart of New York City. The hit anime has teamed up with Crunchyroll to promote its second season with a massive advertisement in Times Square. The campaign is set to run until February 2nd, giving fans two weeks to see Jinwoo on one of the most iconic screens in the world.
Solo Leveling has captivated fans with its action-packed story, and now it’s taking its hype to new heights. The anime’s Times Square promotion celebrates the return of Jinwoo Sung in Season 2. Fans passing through the bustling area can catch the stunning visuals and immerse themselves in the excitement of the Shadow Monarch’s journey.
The ad’s timing aligns with Solo Leveling’s latest episode, which introduced a mysterious and powerful character connected to Jinwoo’s future.
Season 2 of Solo Leveling follows Jinwoo as he climbs Hell’s Tower in search of an elixir to save his mother’s life. Along the way, he gains strength and builds an army of shadow warriors, taking full advantage of his new powers as a Necromancer.
The story continues to expand its universe, with future adaptations and a sequel series, Solo Leveling: Ragnarok, already gaining attention. While the sequel is on hiatus due to the author’s health, fans remain hopeful for its return.
This isn’t the first time Solo Leveling has gone big. The anime recently hinted at its second season with a feature-length film, Solo Leveling: ReAwakening. Now, the Times Square ad takes the excitement to a global level, ensuring the series stays in the spotlight.
If you’re in New York City, don’t miss this incredible display. The Solo Leveling ad will light up Times Square until February 2nd, 2025.