Since Elon Musk took over X, the platform has added more AI features, including the Grok AI assistant. Over the past week, X launched a new image generator and expanded access to its AI chatbot.
Previously, Grok AI chatbot was only available to Premium users. But starting Friday, free users also gained access to the Grok 2 chatbot. Free users can send up to 10 messages every two hours.
The chatbot has a similar design to ChatGPT, and users can ask it questions. For example, when asked, “What is the biggest news of the day?”, it provided a reliable answer with links to sources.
On Saturday, X introduced a new image generator called Aurora. The tool created highly realistic images, with users sharing their creations on the platform.
Some of these images were controversial, as the model generated content like a “bloodied Donald Trump.” After a few hours, this feature was taken down, though Aurora is not gone entirely.
X’s parent company, xAI, announced that Aurora’s image generation abilities have been improved. Aurora is now trained on billions of images from the internet and can generate photorealistic images based on user prompts.
Additionally, Aurora will soon be able to take image inputs. This ability will be available to X users in the coming weeks. Some sample images generated include “Jackie Chan in Donald Trump’s hairstyle” and “Elon Musk as a Ghibli character.”
The new Grok features will be available to all users within a week. Currently, the free users still see the old version of Grok’s image generator, but updates are expected soon.