Attack on Titan: Volume 0 is a pivotal piece of manga history, created by Hajime Isayama when he was just 19 years old in 2006.
Originally a draft that won the Fine Work award at the Magazine Grand Prix by Kodansha, it was later included in the Attack on Titan anime’s first DVD release in 2013.
Volume 0 introduces key elements that would evolve into the Attack on Titan universe, but with notable differences.
While Attack on Titan is known for its titans, Volume 0 presents a different origin. In this version, titans emerge from government experiments designed to create biological weapons, as opposed to supernatural causes.
The story also presents a society surrounded by “tree walls,” which keep titans at bay, a stark contrast to the familiar stone walls in the final manga.
In Volume 0, the protagonist Murakumo shares many traits with Eren Yeager, including a passion for revenge and a desire to join the Vanguard Corps. His companion, Tsubaki, has a similar drive and character traits to both Eren and Gabi.
The story explores a small community where it’s believed titans can disguise themselves as humans, leading to Murakumo’s tragic self-sacrifice to protect the village.
Though Volume 0 isn’t part of the official Attack on Titan canon, it remains an important part of the franchise’s evolution.
Isayama’s influence on the live-action movie adaptation suggests that the volume may have informed some of the storyline choices.
While it differs from the final manga, Volume 0 adds valuable context and early ideas that would later shape the popular series.