The popular Dandadan manga, written by Yukinobu Tatsu, is going on a winter break. After the release of Chapter 182 on January 20, 2025, the manga will pause until February 24, 2025, for North American readers. This marks Tatsu’s first hiatus of the year. The reason for the break has not been disclosed, but fans speculate it could be to give the creator time to rest or refine the story further.
Dandadan has gained massive popularity since its anime adaptation debuted in Fall 2024. The first season ended in the middle of the intense Cursed House Arc, leaving fans eager for answers about the hidden room and the mysterious spirit haunting Jiji. The second season, set to premiere in Summer 2025, will continue this suspenseful storyline.
Meanwhile, the manga has advanced far beyond the anime, currently in its tenth story arc. Recent chapters focus on Momo, who struggles with being unable to return to her normal size after escaping the Danmanra. The story introduces new conflicts, including Kouki Yukishiro, a student manipulated by the villain Count Saint-Germain.
In Chapter 182, the plot thickens as Granny Seiko prepares to help Momo, and other characters face new challenges. The cliffhanger ending has left readers anxious to see how the story will unfold after the hiatus.
Fans can access Dandadan on the MangaPlus app and purchase digital or physical volumes through Viz.