Apple’s latest iOS 18.3 beta update brings back a much-missed feature to the Calculator app: repeating operations.
When iOS 18 launched, the new Calculator app came with several improvements, including Math Notes and unit conversions.
However, one useful feature was removed—the ability to repeat the last operation by pressing the equal sign.
In the previous version, you could perform an operation like 2×2, press equals to get 4, and then press it again to repeat the operation (x2) and get 8, 16, and so on.
This was helpful for tasks like calculating compounding interest or repeating additions.
In the latest iOS/iPadOS 18.3 and macOS 15.3 betas, Apple has restored this feature. Users can now press the equals button multiple times to repeat the last operation.
The new update is expected to be released to the public in late January or early February.
If you’ve missed this feature, you won’t have to wait much longer to use it again.