Android Auto Adds Unexpected ‘Oh’ to WhatsApp Messages

Sazid KabirTechDecember 1, 2024

Android Auto

A peculiar bug is affecting Android Auto users, causing WhatsApp messages to be read aloud with an unexpected “oh” added at the end.

The issue has caught the attention of multiple users across online forums, with dozens reporting the strange phenomenon.

The bug appears to be specific to WhatsApp, as users haven’t noticed similar problems with other messaging apps.

While the exact cause remains unknown, experts suspect the issue might be related to Google Assistant rather than Android Auto itself.

Some users report the problem has persisted for weeks, though not all Android Auto users are experiencing the glitch.

The extra “oh” doesn’t seem to impact message functionality but has proven to be an annoying quirk for those affected.

Google has not yet commented on the bug or provided a timeline for a potential fix. Users experiencing the issue can currently only wait for a future update that might resolve the unexpected verbal addition to their messages.

For now, the mysterious “oh” remains an amusing tech quirk that adds an unexpected verbal punctuation to WhatsApp message readouts on Android Auto.


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