My Hero Academia, created by Kohei Horikoshi, is one of the greatest modern Shonen anime. While the manga has concluded, the anime continues to captivate fans worldwide. Packed with unique characters, it features heroes, villains, and teachers who have shaped its story. Here’s a complete list of the main characters in My Hero Academia.
U.A. High School is home to young aspiring heroes, and most of the spotlight is on Class 1-A. These students are training to become Pro Heroes someday.
Name | Quirk | Hero Name |
Izuku Midoriya | One For All | Deku |
Katsuki Bakugo | Explosion | Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight |
Shoto Todoroki | Half-Cold Half-Hot | Shoto |
Ochaco Uraraka | Zero Gravity | Uravity |
Tenya Ida | Engine | Turbo Hero: Ingenium |
Momo Yaoyorozu | Creation | Everything Hero: Creati |
Eijiro Kirishima | Hardening | Sturdy Hero: Red Riot |
(For brevity, only key students are listed here.)
The Pro Heroes are powerful figures who protect society from villains. They serve as role models for the young heroes.
Name | Quirk | Hero Name | Ranking |
Enji Todoroki | Hellflame | Flame Hero: Endeavor | No. 1 Hero |
Keigo Takami | Fierce Wings | Wing Hero: Hawks | No. 2 Hero |
Tsunagu Hakamada | Fiber Master | Fiber Hero: Best Jeanist | No. 3 Hero |
The League of Villains represents the dark side of the story. They aim to overthrow heroes and create chaos.
Name | Quirk | Villain Name | Ranking |
Tomura Shigaraki | Decay | Leader of the League | S-Rank Villain |
Dabi | Blueflame | — | A-Rank Villain |
Himiko Toga | Transform | — | A-Rank Villain |
The teachers and staff at U.A. High play a vital role in shaping young heroes.
Name | Quirk | Hero Name | Role |
Toshinori Yagi | One For All | All Might | Heroics Teacher |
Shota Aizawa | Erasure | Eraser Head | Class 1-A Homeroom |
Nemuri Kayama | Somnambulist | R-Rated Hero: Midnight | Art History Teacher |
This list only scratches the surface of the many amazing characters in My Hero Academia. Each hero, villain, and teacher has left a mark on the series.
Who is your favorite character? Let us know in the comments section below!