The X-Files, the groundbreaking series that ran for 11 seasons between 1993 and 2018, left fans with numerous unanswered questions. Here are the seven most intriguing mysteries that remain unsolved decades after the show’s debut:
Mulder’s Immunity to the Black Oil remains unexplained. While this alien virus controlled and infected countless humans throughout the series, Fox Mulder somehow proved immune to its effects. Whether this was due to alien DNA from his abduction or another cause was never revealed.
Scully’s Possible Immortality was teased multiple times throughout the series. After a psychic’s prediction in Season 3 that she would never die, Scully survived numerous seemingly fatal situations. The show never confirmed whether this was mere coincidence or something more supernatural.
John Doggett’s Disappearance from the narrative is particularly striking. Despite Robert Patrick’s significant role in later seasons, his character was never mentioned again in the revival seasons or movies, creating a conspicuous gap in the story.
The Cigarette Smoking Man’s Final Fate remains ambiguous. Though apparently killed multiple times throughout the series, including in the finale, his supernatural ability to survive death leaves questions about whether he truly met his end.
William’s Destiny, the mysterious fate of Mulder and Scully’s supernaturally-gifted son, was never fully resolved. After going into hiding, his ultimate fate remains unknown.
Samantha Mulder’s True Fate received multiple, conflicting explanations. While Mulder eventually accepted his sister’s death, the true nature of her disappearance – whether alien abduction, government experiment, or supernatural occurrence – was never definitively explained.
The Mystery of Scully’s Pregnancy stands as perhaps the show’s biggest unanswered question. Despite various theories involving aliens, government experiments, and the Cigarette Smoking Man’s involvement, the true nature of her supposedly impossible pregnancy remains unexplained.