WhatsApp Introduces Meta AI Widget for Easy Access to AI Features

Sazid KabirTechAI14 hours ago14 Views

hatsApp is introducing a new feature that will bring Meta AI to the forefront of users’ home screens. The feature, currently in development, will allow Android users to add a Meta AI widget directly to their home screen.

This widget, which will be optional, is designed for those who already have access to Meta AI, though it will not be available to everyone immediately.

The widget is split into two sections. On the left, users can tap to ask Meta AI any question, while on the right, users can select a photo to share with the AI. Once shared, Meta AI will be able to edit the photo, explain its content, or answer questions related to it.

In addition to the widget, WhatsApp is also working on a new AI chat tab that will be added to the bottom navigation bar, available only to users with access to Meta AI.

The rollout of these features is still in beta, and it’s unclear when they will be available to all users. It may take several weeks or even months before the features are fully launched.

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